As I prepare for Maundy Thursday worship, my mind returns to Ash Wednesday. And even though it was only 6 weeks ago, in so many ways it seems a lifetime ago. A lifetime of more innocence, of contemplating what I might give up or add to my life during the coming season of Lent quickly followed by exciting plans to celebrate Easter with my beloved family with all the festivities we Easter people expect and relish.
Little did I know that God knew better than I did what the future held and that the occasional glass of wine I intended to “give up” for Lent would give way to a Corona Virus #stayhome.
Maundy Thursday is one of my favorite of Church Holy Days because I not only #keepthefeast with my own Church family but do so with other Jesus Followers around the World. And as the Sanctuary is darkened and the elements of Worship are removed one by one, I’ve often thought that the sadness I felt in my heart at that time was not only due to the approaching crucifixion of Jesus, my Savior and Lord, but was also a foreshadowing of what it might feel like to lose our freedom to gather and worship together in God’s House.
Even though our churches may appear empty tonight, thankfully, the Church is only deployed and we will be worshiping and keeping the feast safely in our homes just as Jesus and his first followers did and as our Lord has encouraged us to do …remembering the Corona Virus will not win because “Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world.”
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