My heart is so burdened this morning for all who have suffered devastating lose due to Michael and especially for our dear friends Gayle and Rex Putnal who lost their precious home as did almost all their neighbors.
When we were struck by Matthew, God’s grace gave us courage and strength to face the unthinkable and to even find some rays of humor. But as our church family met to “celebrate” God’s mercy the following Sunday, my heart broke and as everyone began to joyfully sing, I fled outside in tears, for the very first time. And as I turned on my car, this powerful song was playing on The Message radio station. I began to sing with Hillary first timidly and finally to the top of my lungs while still in tears. And I did so for many weeks until the tears were all gone and my sure and confident faith that my God was still sovereign and still on his throne had returned. And the confident assurance that He is Love and since he had allowed this while sifting it through his loving hands, it would all turn out for our good and his glory!
I pray that all who have been effected by Michael, will allow themselves a time to grieve and will also find encouragement in this song.